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February was a horrible month for budgeting.  In fact, if it hadn’t been for our tax refunds coming in this month – I would have had to pull from savings just to pay the bills that were due at the end of the month.  Due to those added incomes – and how I track things, I can’t give you a truly accurate picture of how bad the month really was.  At one point – I think we were almost $600 overspent.  But with the State Refund and some payments from the girls – my numbers now look much better.

So – overall budget numbers (after the tax refunds): OVERSPENT: -$86.12

The numbers below are reflecting payments that are being made tomorrow after my federal refund clears.  We are putting aside a bit of spending money for Mr. CR and myself and covering that final overspent number listed above.  $868 going into savings & one snowflake payment to pay off one of our debt items.  And I am not really sure why paying off one full debt item hasn’t changed my final pay off date.

Debt Reduction Numbers(remember that snowflake payments are above and beyond the regular payment):

Original Debt Items: 12
Current Debt Items: 11
Difference: -1
Original Total Amount of Debt: $245,600.78
Current Total Amount of Debt: $239,482.95
Difference: $6117.83
Snowflake Payment Amounts: $557.56
Original Estimated Payoff date: November 2020
Current Estimated Payoff date: October 2020
Difference: -1 Month